Colorectal surgeons are experts in the surgical and non-surgical treatment of colon and rectal problems. They have completed advanced training in the treatment of colon and rectal problems, in addition to full training in general surgery. Colorectal surgeons treat benign and malignant conditions, perform routine screening examinations and surgically treat problems when necessary.
Payment for non-covered services is due at the time of service.
It is the patient’s responsibility to be familiar with their insurance and its financial responsibility provisions.
Patient co-payments and/or services subject to unmet deductibles are due at the time of service.
Call our office directly at (954) 369-5717, Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm.
In addition to cash or a check, you may pay your account with a credit or debit card. We accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
An insurance claim or patient statement will be generated for the professional component of any procedure that is performed by our physicians at any of our affiliated facilities. In addition, the facility itself will generate a claim or statement
for the facility fee or technical component of the procedure. Also, any anesthesia or pathology (biopsy analysis and results) services will result in separate insurance claims or statements to you directly from the physicians providing
these services.
Your financial responsibility will be a function of the specific insurance that you have and the patient financial responsibility provisions that it includes. Our staff will make every effort to work with you and
make sure that you understand your financial responsibilities based upon your specific insurance plan and its coverage. However, please remember that the ultimate responsibility for understanding and complying with your insurance plan’s
requirements and financial responsibilities are yours as the patient.